Nope - no bow-chicka-wow-wow talk. We're calling the conversation to point out something 100x more important.

Implicit bias. Suppression. Unconsciousness. And, a bite-sized How To unlearn all these things which may be pulling you out of the driver's seat, choosing a life which is incongruent with YOUR highest self. Not the one your family, your culture, or your friends influenced you to be.

This short episode packs a powerful punch, as the name clearly demonstrates, but these unconditioned patterns of thinking and beliefs we are brought up learning significantly impact how we live, love, learn, interact with others, the beliefs we have about our capabilities, the action we take and so much more.

Emilia and Bianca give a few golden nuggets on exactly how to become aware of these thoughts and how to gain back the control of the drivers seat with tools such as an Automatic Thought Record and so many more.

Screenshot this episode, tag @TheWhyPowerPodcast to share with us your takeaways on Instagram... and WHEN something shakes you internally - make sure to add #WhyPower and #YourHyperconsciousWomen to get a shoutout!

Stay Grounded. Stay WhyPower-ed!


Episode Resources: Brown: The Power of Vulnerability


Become "Whyzer" with these firecrackers - Emilia and Bianca know how to get real, be authentic and cover all angles to deliver to you not necessarily what you want to hear, but what you need!

Don't waste another minute of your life without consciously acting from your WhyPower... let this podcast be your guiding post - and tune in every week with episodes dropping every Thursday morning at 7:00AM EDT. Make it a part of your weekly routine and level-up your entire life by listening in, turning it up, and taking consistent action.

Evolve Ventures Society:
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(Stay tuned for next Thursday's episode - "Why Your Thoughts are Screwing You")