There are times that we find ourselves stuck in a situation, routine, or just where we are in life. Then we wonder why this is and what's keeping us there. In this episode, we talk about digging deep into ourselves for that thing that keeps us stuck. We also talk about wanting to change and what it would take to break the cycle. We also touch on wanting to change enough that we actually take steps to break the cycle. We share some examples of things keeping us stuck and what are the likely reasons holding us back from making a change.

Here’s the list of episodes related to today’s discussion, and we highly recommend listening to them as well:
#149 | Motivation Monday: I Wish I Learned This Years Ago… -
#41 | Self Belief-Where Does it Come From? -
Connect with Emilia, Bianca & the EVOLVE VENTURES Community:

Website: on Instagram@EvolveVenturesTech on Facebook (Public Page)Evolve Ventures Society (Private Facebook Group)@EvolvewithEmilia on Instagram / @Evolvewith Emilia on TikTok@EvolvewithBianca on InstagramConnect with Emilia & Bianca from Evolve Ventures for FREE

Show notes:
[2:27] Perception: Who you are at your core is not enough
[4:24] Cognitive dissonance
[8:12] How do people start to break cycles?
[13:23] Maybe change is possible, but you're scared
[14:16] What are you gaining from staying the same?
[16:08] Outro

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(Stay tuned for next Thursday's Episode!)