Listen, we're here for the glow up. Tiffany gets two emails per day from Sephora and she's satisfied with her life choices. Ashley has a standing gel manicure appointment every month. Good curling irons are life, and so is Glossier lip balm and boy brow, okay?! However, the New York Times wrote an opinion piece about the wellness industry, "The New Spiritual Consumerism" and gave thoughtful commentary on who wellness is actually for, and if we are trying to satisfy our needs in unrealistic, unhealthy ways. As we approach the holiday season, this dialogue is important, not only because our sense of loneliness and depression statistically increases, but because we can try to put a bandaid over a bullet hole, avoiding what's really going on beneath the surface by dealing with only, well, the surface. Share this episode with a friend, and talk about what ways you might be avoiding true soul-care, by filling your time with self-care and using your money on self-care. Remember, most of the time, what we might need is community care. Message us, and let us know how it goes!

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To find out more about Ashley's writing, speaking, or books visit her site at Find her on Instagram: