At 282 lbs. (128 kg.), Victor has not had a chance to start the shakes as he was planning, however, Victor continues his struggle to lose weight, and On this episode of The Big Loser, Victor corrects some premature misinformation outlined in the last episode, and talks about the dietary component of the program.

He also reveals a secret he is not letting anyone in on.

You can find information on the Bariatric program at the Humber River Regional Hospital website at the following link:

And should you be looking for a hospital closer to you that performs this program in Ontario, please check out the Ontario bariatric network website at the following address:

If you have questions, concerns and/or comments, please leave them in the comments section below, or. Should your question, concerns or comments be of a personal nature, and you wish more privacy, you can e-mail Victor at:

[email protected]