For many foster children, life can seem isolated and lonely, and being moved from one foster home to another, just cements those feelings, but what happens when you find the perfect family, and all you have to do, is accept the reality that everyone in that family loves you?

Achieving this acceptance is not as easy as one might think, and Endlings (2020) produced by Hulu and the CBC, is a series that does just that. It outlines the troubles that foster children have in achieving that acceptance, and illustrates how love can break any doubts in that acceptance, but it does not do just that…

It also sheds light on a troubling ecological terror with the potential to destroy humanity…

Species extinction…

The different species on the Earth, creates a balance that helps the world live in harmony with itself, and that balance is slowly eroding, as the days go by. black market Poaching, buyers and human expansion are causing species to die out, leaving a black hole in that ecological system that can not be replaced.

Starring a cast of relatively unknown actors, Endlings (2020) is the story of four foster children trying to become a family, in the wake of losing the last elephant on Earth, but it is a known fact, crisis creates bonding, and the multiple crisis that befall them may have that exact effect, whether they want it to, or not.

Watch and listen to Victor’s review of television shows, and movies that are released with description for the blind, and he lets you know if the feature is a grand watch, or something that should be left in the discount bin at your local video store.