I used to put myself into so many situations relationally where I was always holding my breath and thinking, 'Well, at least I'm not fully committed to this so I'm free.' But how is holding your breath being free? - Luke Storey


Get 15% off your CURED Nutrition order with the code WELLNESSFORCE


---> Get The Morning 21 System: A simple and powerful 21 minute system designed to give you more energy to let go of old weight and live life well.




Wellness Force Radio Episode 361

Motivational speaker, world-class biohacker, and host of The Life Stylist Podcast, Luke Storey, returns to Wellness Force to share what steps he and his love, Alyson Charles, are taking to build a stronger relationship, how kundalini yoga has helped heal his 20+ years of addictions, how you uncover your own behavior patterns through conscious action plus explore the Emotional Ladder and how you can climb up it.


What can help you let go of lower-level emotions during the COVID-19 lockdown to pull yourself out of the dungeon of depression and back to joy?     Join us as Luke and Josh explore relationships, consciousness, and the practical, real tools that allow us to come home to ourselves.


Luke Storey's
EMF Home Safety Master Class

Click here to join Luke's EMF Home Safety Master Class

EMF or electromagnetic frequencies are one of the most toxic elements in our living and work environments.

Due to the technical nature of accurately testing for them, and the training required to do so correctly, many of us resign ourselves to the fact that we just have to accept them, and the consequences they bring to use the modern technology on which we’ve come to depend.

Are you aware of the dangers of EMF exposure in your home but have no idea where to start when it comes to finding and fixing them?

If you’re someone who has been negatively affected by EMF and want to ensure that your home or work environment is a place of healing and restoration, rather than a detriment to your health, this extensive video series is the answer you have been looking for.

If you’re unaware of what EMF’s are, or how to detect and fix them, you will find the answers you’re looking for in this easy to understand, and entertaining comprehensive overview.

In this 7 part video documentary series, you will follow world-renowned building biologist Brian Hoyer as he tests my entire home, room by room to determine the source and level of every known type of EMF.

Listen To Episode 361 As Luke Storey Uncovers:


[1:30] Luke's Personal Transformation Luke Storey
The Life Stylist Podcast 285 Luke Storey Breathwork.io Colin Leibold - Leibold Media Cured Nutrition Catching up with Luke Storey, what has changed, and his takeaways from 2020 thus far this year. His decision to participate in plant medicine ceremonies and why it was so challenging for him to make that decision. The evolution that he and his girlfriend, Alyson, have gone through in their relationship. Alyson Charles Unpacking his family's history including alcoholism, abuse, neglect, and how that impacted his life and relationships at a young age. Why he avoided being close to or emotionally intimate with anyone from a young age and how that has changed over the years. 196 Aubrey Marcus [14:00] Sobriety, Transparency, & Inner Work Exploring Luke's journey towards and achieving sobriety including honest transparency and doing the inner work. How kundalini yoga has especially helped him get in touch with himself along his healing journey. His past definition of 'freedom' and the moment he realized that he had actually imprisoned himself. What trauma binding is and why he was unconsciously doing it in past relationships. The addictions he has quit to help him gather greater awareness and consciousness. 12-step groups that focused on helping people with dysfunctional behavior such as sex addiction, love addiction, and issues in relationships. Facing Codependence by Pia Mellody Codependent No More by Melody Beattie Beyond Codependency by Melody Beattie Byron Katie 275 Paul Chek Why it took Luke years to begin doing the full-on inner work and start his wellness journey of healing transformation. [26:00] Breaking Old Habits For Healthier Relationships How he was shown in a number of different plant medicine ceremonies that he is now done repeating his old childhood patterns. What he is doing to help him avoid falling back into his old patterns. The challenges that he and Alyson are still going through and working on to build a stronger relationship. Why it was necessary for him to delve into his self-worth, sense of deserving, capacity, maturity, and level of consciousness to build the relationship he has now. How he's heightened his awareness of negative thought and speaking patterns to improve his relationships. Unpacking the ego and why it is actually a vital part of who we are as humans. Why he decided to interview his girlfriend, Alyson, for episode 111 of his podcast. Episode 111 - Real As F**K! Soul Healing With Alyson Charles The Rockstar Shaman Episode 275 - Come Together: Alyson Charles & The Art Of Shamanic Love WITMA Live The healthy boundaries Luke set for himself when he was ready to start dating again. [38:00] Uncovering Patterns Through Conscious Action The relationship he had with his mom and dad as a kid and how that perpetuated various behavior patterns. Why it's so important to have a conscious pathway to attend a plant medicine ceremony. How Luke has reminded Josh that it's a beautiful thing for men to cry and express their emotions. Relationship advice Luke's father gave him and what it has been like for Luke to now be in a long-term commitment. Why it's good to take a new relationship slowly and consciously instead of going all in and becoming obsessed about it. Their experience participating in several peyote ceremonies together and how that impacted them as a couple early on in the relationship. Why his past fears of commitment came up for him during the peyote ceremonies. How his plans for navigating relationships and boundaries have shifted with their relationship. [59:00] Climbing The Emotional Ladder The inner work that Luke and Alyson have done on their own wellness journeys and how that has benefited their relationship. 046 Dr. John Gray 032 Gay & Katie Hendricks 332 John Wineland Letting Go by David R. Hawkins Vipassana Meditation – A Spartan Race For The Mind Breaking down the emotional ladder and being aware of where you are on that scale. Similarities between and 12 Step Programs and the Emotional Ladder. Exploring intuitive awareness plus when and whether we should open our hearts or protect ourselves. The importance of being aware and compassionate for others when you're about to judge them. Questioning whether or not everything really comes down to love or fear. How Luke Storey brought himself up from a lower state of apathy to reframe his experience and find gratitude. His process of becoming grounded, humble, and grateful in stressful moments. [1:14:00] Coming Back To Home How he is able to go deep enough to have a powerful connection or speaking engagement yet not be too serious about it. Why being too serious all the time can be harmful to our wellbeing and life journey. Unpacking how we can stop taking life so seriously because there's something beyond just this material world. How he comes back home in himself when life becomes so stressful or he's going through a difficult moment. What wellness means to him now compared to how it did when Josh last interviewed him. The importance of not approaching current events with fear. Exploring the nature of reality and what is actually happening beneath the surface in society. How he's helping people learn more about EMFs and how to find sources of it in their homes. Luke Storey's EMF Home Safety Master Class Breathwork.io M21 Wellness Guide Wellness Force Community Power Quotes From The Show   Find Higher Consciousness In Relationships "In order for me to really be able to have a high degree of objectivity about my relationship behavior, patterns, and what it was underneath that really needed to be healed, I really had to do a hard reset. So, for pretty much 2 years, I did almost no porn, no dating, no sex, no flirting; I mean, I barely even looked women in the eyes. By doing that and with self-care practices such as reading, writing, praying, and meditating, I could start to see what patterns I needed to correct really clearly. As I worked on myself more and more, I discovered that I really wanted to be in a long-term, monogamous relationship pretty much for the first time in my life. At my mid-40s I was ready to finally come out of the Peter Pan phase and settle down in a meaningful way with all of this love I have in my heart." - Luke Storey   Exploring Freedom In Dating

"I used to put myself into so many situations relationally where I was always holding my breath and thinking, 'Well, at least I'm not fully committed to this so I'm free." But how is holding your breath being free? Now I'm still shocked at how authentic and real I can be with my girlfriend and that she still loves me. It's not a self- deprecating thing, I just didn't know that you could actually be yourself to this degree and the more myself I am, the more that self is received, loved and accepted, and now I have the capacity to do the same in return for Alyson which is ever-growing." - Luke Storey

  Coming Home To Ourselves "Wellness is in the realization fundamentally of who and what you are. Whether your experience of that is within your heart and that energetic field that we each possess or your sense of who you are even as your identity in its limited form. We're all in a sense just lost kids trying to find our way but the person that we all truly need is just ourselves; the heart is where the home is and we're the only home we have."- Luke Storey   Links From Today's Show  The Life Stylist Podcast 285 Luke Storey Luke Storey's EMF Home Safety Master Class Breathwork.io Colin Leibold - Leibold Media Cured Nutrition Alyson Charles 196 Aubrey Marcus Codependent No More by Melody Beattie Beyond Codependency by Melody Beattie Facing Codependence by Pia Mellody Byron Katie 275 Paul Chek Episode 111 - Real As F**K! Soul Healing With Alyson Charles The Rockstar Shaman Episode 275 - Come Together: Alyson Charles & The Art Of Shamanic Love WITMA Live 046 Dr. John Gray 032 Gay & Katie Hendricks 332 John Wineland Letting Go by David R. Hawkins Vipassana Meditation – A Spartan Race For The Mind Leave Wellness Force a review on iTunes M21 Wellness Guide Wellness Force Community Luke Storey Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube


About Luke Storey   Luke Storey is a motivational speaker, kundalini yoga and meditation teacher, world-class biohacker, host of The Life Stylist Podcast, and founder of the world's premier online fashion school for stylists, School of Style which he founded in 2008.   Luke Storey's Ultimate Wellness Lifestyle

Luke Storey has spent the past twenty-three years developing and refining the ultimate wellness lifestyle, based on the most transformative principles of primal health and ancient spiritual practices, while at the same time embracing the most cutting-edge natural healing and consciousness-expanding technologies. He has tenaciously applied the results of his field research and used them to not only completely transform his own life but also the lives of thousands of fans and followers through his various media channels and speaking engagements.

As a transformational speaker and entrepreneur, Luke continues to share his strategies for healing and happiness through his innovative and highly effective Lifestyle Design teachings, his Youtube channel, and his wildly popular podcast.



CURED Nutrition

Get 15% off your CURED Nutrition order with the code WELLNESSFORCE

It's taken me over a year to find the right hemp and CBD company to introduce to the Wellness Force Community and I could not be more thrilled that it's CURED Nutrition!

CURED Nutrition is a movement inspired by nature and grounded in a shared desire to leave a lasting impression on you, our community, and this world. Together, they're a collective of heart-centered human beings who are inviting you – the conscious creatives, dreamers, and healers – to join their family. Learn how CURED hemp and CBD products can enhance your daily wellness routine.

Try Cured Today

They're Colorado-based organically grown hemp products that have been engineered to transform your approach toward an elevated life. Tap into your inherent potential – your greatest mind-body alignment – and nourish it with the supplements you were designed to thrive on. A greater existence is waiting.

Build Immunity. Breathe Deeply.

A simple, powerful 21 minute morning system designed to give you more energy to let go of old weight and live life well.

Get Your Calm Mind + Immunity Building Guide 

*6 science based morning practices guaranteed to give you more energy and less weight in 21 Minutes.

*7 day guided B.R.E.A.T.H.E breathwork included.


More Top Episodes 226 Paul Chek: The Revolution Is Coming (3 Part Series) 131 Drew Manning: Emotional Fitness 129 Gretchen Rubin: The Four Tendencies  183 Dr. Kyra Bobinet: Brain Science 196 Aubrey Marcus: Own The Day 103 Robb Wolf: Wired To Eat Best of The Best: The Top 10 Guests From over 200 Shows Get More Wellness In Your Life Join the #WellnessWarrior Community on Facebook Tweet us on Twitter: Send us a tweet Comment on the Facebook page

I used to put myself into so many situations relationally where I was always holding my breath and thinking, 'Well, at least I'm not fully committed to this so I'm free.' But how is holding your breath being free? - Luke Storey


Get 15% off your CURED Nutrition order with the code WELLNESSFORCE


---> Get The Morning 21 System: A simple and powerful 21 minute system designed to give you more energy to let go of old weight and live life well.




Wellness Force Radio Episode 361

Motivational speaker, world-class biohacker, and host of The Life Stylist Podcast, Luke Storey, returns to Wellness Force to share what steps he and his love, Alyson Charles, are taking to build a stronger relationship, how kundalini yoga has helped heal his 20+ years of addictions, how you uncover your own behavior patterns through conscious action plus explore the Emotional Ladder and how you can climb up it.


What can help you let go of lower-level emotions during the COVID-19 lockdown to pull yourself out of the dungeon of depression and back to joy?     Join us as Luke and Josh explore relationships, consciousness, and the practical, real tools that allow us to come home to ourselves.


Luke Storey's EMF Home Safety Master Class

Click here to join Luke's EMF Home Safety Master Class

EMF or electromagnetic frequencies are one of the most toxic elements in our living and work environments.

Due to the technical nature of accurately testing for them, and the training required to do so correctly, many of us resign ourselves to the fact that we just have to accept them, and the consequences they bring to use the modern technology on which we’ve come to depend.

Are you aware of the dangers of EMF exposure in your home but have no idea where to start when it comes to finding and fixing them?

If you’re someone who has been negatively affected by EMF and want to ensure that your home or work environment is a place of healing and restoration, rather than a detriment to your health, this extensive video series is the answer you have been looking for.

If you’re unaware of what EMF’s are, or how to detect and fix them, you will find the answers you’re looking for in this easy to understand, and entertaining comprehensive overview.

In this 7 part video documentary series, you will follow world-renowned building biologist Brian Hoyer as he tests my entire home, room by room to determine the source and level of every known type of EMF.

Listen To Episode 361 As Luke Storey Uncovers:


[1:30] Luke's Personal Transformation Luke Storey The Life Stylist Podcast 285 Luke Storey Breathwork.io Colin Leibold - Leibold Media Cured Nutrition Catching up with Luke Storey, what has changed, and his takeaways from 2020 thus far this year. His decision to participate in plant medicine ceremonies and why it was so challenging for him to make that decision. The evolution that he and his girlfriend, Alyson, have gone through in their relationship. Alyson Charles Unpacking his family's history including alcoholism, abuse, neglect, and how that impacted his life and relationships at a young age. Why he avoided being close to or emotionally intimate with anyone from a young age and how that has changed over the years. 196 Aubrey Marcus [14:00] Sobriety, Transparency, & Inner Work Exploring Luke's journey towards and achieving sobriety including honest transparency and doing the inner work. How kundalini yoga has especially helped him get in touch with himself along his healing journey. His past definition of 'freedom' and the moment he realized that he had actually imprisoned himself. What trauma binding is and why he was unconsciously doing it in past relationships. The addictions he has quit to help him gather greater awareness and consciousness. 12-step groups that focused on helping people with dysfunctional behavior such as sex addiction, love addiction, and issues in relationships. Facing Codependence by Pia Mellody Codependent No More by Melody Beattie Beyond Codependency by Melody Beattie Byron Katie 275 Paul Chek Why it took Luke years to begin doing the full-on inner work and start his wellness journey of healing transformation. [26:00] Breaking Old Habits For Healthier Relationships How he was shown in a number of different plant medicine ceremonies that he is now done repeating his old childhood patterns. What he is doing to help him avoid falling back into his old patterns. The challenges that he and Alyson are still going through and working on to build a stronger relationship. Why it was necessary for him to delve into his self-worth, sense of deserving, capacity, maturity, and level of consciousness to build the relationship he has now. How he's heightened his awareness of negative thought and speaking patterns to improve his relationships. Unpacking the ego and why it is actually a vital part of who we are as humans. Why he decided to interview his girlfriend, Alyson, for episode 111 of his podcast. Episode 111 - Real As F**K! Soul Healing With Alyson Charles The Rockstar Shaman Episode 275 - Come Together: Alyson Charles & The Art Of Shamanic Love WITMA Live The healthy boundaries Luke set for himself when he was ready to start dating again. [38:00] Uncovering Patterns Through Conscious Action The relationship he had with his mom and dad as a kid and how that perpetuated various behavior patterns. Why it's so important to have a conscious pathway to attend a plant medicine ceremony. How Luke has reminded Josh that it's a beautiful thing for men to cry and express their emotions. Relationship advice Luke's father gave him and what it has been like for Luke to now be in a long-term commitment. Why it's good to take a new relationship slowly and consciously instead of going all in and becoming obsessed about it. Their experience participating in several peyote ceremonies together and how that impacted them as a couple early on in the relationship. Why his past fears of commitment came up for him during the peyote ceremonies. How his plans for navigating relationships and boundaries have shifted with their relationship. [59:00] Climbing The Emotional Ladder The inner work that Luke and Alyson have done on their own wellness journeys and how that has benefited their relationship. 046 Dr. John Gray 032 Gay & Katie Hendricks 332 John Wineland Letting Go by David R. Hawkins Vipassana Meditation – A Spartan Race For The Mind Breaking down the emotional ladder and being aware of where you are on that scale. Similarities between and 12 Step Programs and the Emotional Ladder. Exploring intuitive awareness plus when and whether we should open our hearts or protect ourselves. The importance of being aware and compassionate for others when you're about to judge them. Questioning whether or not everything really comes down to love or fear. How Luke Storey brought himself up from a lower state of apathy to reframe his experience and find gratitude. His process of becoming grounded, humble, and grateful in stressful moments. [1:14:00] Coming Back To Home How he is able to go deep enough to have a powerful connection or speaking engagement yet not be too serious about it. Why being too serious all the time can be harmful to our wellbeing and life journey. Unpacking how we can stop taking life so seriously because there's something beyond just this material world. How he comes back home in himself when life becomes so stressful or he's going through a difficult moment. What wellness means to him now compared to how it did when Josh last interviewed him. The importance of not approaching current events with fear. Exploring the nature of reality and what is actually happening beneath the surface in society. How he's helping people learn more about EMFs and how to find sources of it in their homes. Luke Storey's EMF Home Safety Master Class Breathwork.io M21 Wellness Guide Wellness Force Community Power Quotes From The Show   Find Higher Consciousness In Relationships "In order for me to really be able to have a high degree of objectivity about my relationship behavior, patterns, and what it was underneath that really needed to be healed, I really had to do a hard reset. So, for pretty much 2 years, I did almost no porn, no dating, no sex, no flirting; I mean, I barely even looked women in the eyes. By doing that and with self-care practices such as reading, writing, praying, and meditating, I could start to see what patterns I needed to correct really clearly. As I worked on myself more and more, I discovered that I really wanted to be in a long-term, monogamous relationship pretty much for the first time in my life. At my mid-40s I was ready to finally come out of the Peter Pan phase and settle down in a meaningful way with all of this love I have in my heart." - Luke Storey   Exploring Freedom In Dating

"I used to put myself into so many situations relationally where I was always holding my breath and thinking, 'Well, at least I'm not fully committed to this so I'm free." But how is holding your breath being free? Now I'm still shocked at how authentic and real I can be with my girlfriend and that she still loves me. It's not a self- deprecating thing, I just didn't know that you could actually be yourself to this degree and the more myself I am, the more that self is received, loved and accepted, and now I have the capacity to do the same in return for Alyson which is ever-growing." - Luke Storey

  Coming Home To Ourselves "Wellness is in the realization fundamentally of who and what you are. Whether your experience of that is within your heart and that energetic field that we each possess or your sense of who you are even as your identity in its limited form. We're all in a sense just lost kids trying to find our way but the person that we all truly need is just ourselves; the heart is where the home is and we're the only home we have."- Luke Storey   Links From Today's Show  The Life Stylist Podcast 285 Luke Storey Luke Storey's EMF Home Safety Master Class Breathwork.io Colin Leibold - Leibold Media Cured Nutrition Alyson Charles 196 Aubrey Marcus Codependent No More by Melody Beattie Beyond Codependency by Melody Beattie Facing Codependence by Pia Mellody Byron Katie 275 Paul Chek Episode 111 - Real As F**K! Soul Healing With Alyson Charles The Rockstar Shaman Episode 275 - Come Together: Alyson Charles & The Art Of Shamanic Love WITMA Live 046 Dr. John Gray 032 Gay & Katie Hendricks 332 John Wineland Letting Go by David R. Hawkins Vipassana Meditation – A Spartan Race For The Mind Leave Wellness Force a review on iTunes M21 Wellness Guide Wellness Force Community Luke Storey Facebook Instagram Twitter YouTube


About Luke Storey   Luke Storey is a motivational speaker, kundalini yoga and meditation teacher, world-class biohacker, host of The Life Stylist Podcast, and founder of the world's premier online fashion school for stylists, School of Style which he founded in 2008.   Luke Storey's Ultimate Wellness Lifestyle

Luke Storey has spent the past twenty-three years developing and refining the ultimate wellness lifestyle, based on the most transformative principles of primal health and ancient spiritual practices, while at the same time embracing the most cutting-edge natural healing and consciousness-expanding technologies. He has tenaciously applied the results of his field research and used them to not only completely transform his own life but also the lives of thousands of fans and followers through his various media channels and speaking engagements.

As a transformational speaker and entrepreneur, Luke continues to share his strategies for healing and happiness through his innovative and highly effective Lifestyle Design teachings, his Youtube channel, and his wildly popular podcast.



CURED Nutrition

Get 15% off your CURED Nutrition order with the code WELLNESSFORCE

It's taken me over a year to find the right hemp and CBD company to introduce to the Wellness Force Community and I could not be more thrilled that it's CURED Nutrition!

CURED Nutrition is a movement inspired by nature and grounded in a shared desire to leave a lasting impression on you, our community, and this world. Together, they're a collective of heart-centered human beings who are inviting you – the conscious creatives, dreamers, and healers – to join their family. Learn how CURED hemp and CBD products can enhance your daily wellness routine.

Try Cured Today

They're Colorado-based organically grown hemp products that have been engineered to transform your approach toward an elevated life. Tap into your inherent potential – your greatest mind-body alignment – and nourish it with the supplements you were designed to thrive on. A greater existence is waiting.

Build Immunity. Breathe Deeply.

A simple, powerful 21 minute morning system designed to give you more energy to let go of old weight and live life well.

Get Your Calm Mind + Immunity Building Guide 

*6 science based morning practices guaranteed to give you more energy and less weight in 21 Minutes.

*7 day guided B.R.E.A.T.H.E breathwork included.


More Top Episodes 226 Paul Chek: The Revolution Is Coming (3 Part Series) 131 Drew Manning: Emotional Fitness 129 Gretchen Rubin: The Four Tendencies  183 Dr. Kyra Bobinet: Brain Science 196 Aubrey Marcus: Own The Day 103 Robb Wolf: Wired To Eat Best of The Best: The Top 10 Guests From over 200 Shows Get More Wellness In Your Life Join the #WellnessWarrior Community on Facebook Tweet us on Twitter: Send us a tweet Comment on the Facebook page

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