Part 3: The revolution starts with you. - Paul Chek

In this special edition 3-part series of the Wellness Force Radio Podcast, Author of How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy, Creator of the PPS Success Mastery Program, Founder of the C.H.E.K. Institute, Paul Chek, joins us to uncover the truth about where we truly are as a nation and a world when it comes to health, wellness, and sustainability. 


What actions can you do to become a better universal citizen of today's modern world?

Paul shares the specifics on how you can build a deeper connection with nature, The 4 "doctors" everyone should follow, and why focusing on yourself first doesn't only lead to a more fulfilling life, but a better world for all sentient beings.

Discover why being a healthy human means returning back to our most basic principles in the way we love ourselves, our body, and others. 

Your core is everything! If you don’t have a healthy, functional core, it doesn’t matter what your health goals are – breaking your PR in the marathon, recovering from an injury, regaining your shape after a pregnancy – it simply isn’t going to happen, and especially not in any long-term way.

The Healthy Core Cycle Checklist is designed to help you remove common sources of gut inflammation, maximize the rest you need, and choose the right starter exercise to help you build a fit, functional and aesthetically pleasing core.

This simple and handy checklist, will:

Address common diet, rest, and work-life balance stresses that cause gut inflammation Assess your current core function Prescribe simple, effective exercises to build your core Prioritize your plan of attack to address the most important lifestyle factors 

If you’re a fitness professional, the checklist will be a great resource and guide for your clients. When they follow the checklist, not only will they achieve a healthy core, but they’ll look and feel better, and have so much more energy. They will definitely thank you for the resource!


Paul Chek: The Revolution Is Coming | Part 3

In Part 3, Paul Chek uncovers:

How to identify where you're out of balance so you can use a holistic approach to develop core values that will help you heal. What depression truly is in the human mind - the fear that yesterday will be tomorrow. How to carve out time for yourself with such a busy schedule in this Western, modern society. Views on music genres such as hard rock metal or rap - Are they spreading negativity or do they allow us to embrace the darkness to complement the light? The difference between depression and anxiety. What happiness really is and why it's not having everything you ever wanted. Definition of consciousness as a psychic substance that's not produced blindly but in living awareness of opposites. The fact that the only universal constant is change. How modern culture has become afraid of change rather than seeing it as an invitation to embrace something new and exciting. What it means to be in a real, loving relationship with someone. How to grow and give both your full love and attention to your significant other. Steps to make yourself happy rather than relying on your partner. How to work through difficult times by working with a focus on the labor of love instead of on money. The process he works through with people to help them find their real dream, happiness in their struggles, and identify what challenges have actually helped them grow. The polarity between both men and women in our masculinity and feminity. How men can better treat women in a loving relationship. What wellness means to him and how we can live a life focused on health, self-care, and being conscious. Power Quotes From Part 3

"Your 'yes' has no value until you learn how to say, 'no.' Until you know what your own core value system is, you'll make poor, unhealthy decisions that make you unhappy because you haven't learned how to say, 'no.' Once you understand what your values are, you can shift and move your energy in alignment with your dream." - Paul Chek

"If you're listening to sad music when you're sad but you're not taking action to create happiness, then you're actually just medicating yourself with the illness." - Paul Chek

"Consciousness is a psychic substance produced not blindly but in living awareness of opposites." - Paul Chek

"Depression is the fear that yesterday will be tomorrow. Anxiety is fear of tomorrow." - @PaulChek on @WellnessForce Radio

Links From Today's Show Paul Chek Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn The C.H.E.K. Institute Facebook Instagram Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Google+ Healthy Core Cycle Checklist PPS Success Mastery Program Paul Chek’s library on Amazon The Last 4 Doctors You'll Ever Need - ebook Spirit Guides & Power Animals Symptoms Consciousness Rising Nikola Tesla: A Quick-Read Biography About the Life and Inventions of a Visionary
Genius Politics in Healing: The Suppression and Manipulation of American Medicine Harry Hoxsey: Guilty of Curing Cancer with Herbs Farmers of Forty Centuries: Organic Farming in China, Korea, and Japan 500 Nations: An Illustrated History of North American Indians 1st Edition ONNIT Podcast - Kyle Kingsbury Charles Poloquin Ken Wilber library on Amazon Rudolf Steiner library on Amazon Terence McKenna library on Amazon Joseph Campbell library on Amazon David Wilcock The Secret Life of Nature: Living in Harmony With the Hidden World of Nature Spirits
from Fairies to Quarks The Secret Life of Plants: a Fascinating Account of the Physical, Emotional, and
Spiritual Relations Between Plants and Man The Influence of Electromagnetic Pollution on Living Organisms: Historical Trends and Forecasting Changes Blinded Experiments Missing Links w/ Gregg Braden Blog: What’s in Your Food? Sherri J. Tenpenny, D.O. - Vaxxter is the leading authority on the alternative health news Vaccines: The Risks, The Benefits, The Choices Are your phone camera and microphone spying on you? Closed Organic Cycle: Paul Chek Wellness Force The Science of Why Vegans Get Sick Controlled Animal Feeding Operations: Tearing the world apart New CHEK Academy Biodynamics is a holistic, ecological, and ethical approach to farming, gardening,
food, and nutrition. Rudolph Steiner: Founder of Waldorf Schools Regenerative Organic Certification is a holistic agriculture certification encompassing
pasture-based animal welfare, fairness for farmers and workers, and robust
requirements for soil health and land management. Where have all our insects gone? Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel The Biology of Belief: Bruce Lipton Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth: James Lovelock Are Microwaves Safe? (Must Read if You Use a Microwave Oven) The Creation of Consciousness: Jung's Myth for Modern Man (Studies in Jungian
Psychology) Phenomenology of Spirit: G. W. F. Hegel Blueprint for Immortality: The Electric Patterns of Life About Paul Chek

Paul Chek is a world-renowned expert in the fields of corrective and high-performance exercise kinesiology, stress management and holistic wellness. For over thirty years, Paul’s unique, integrated approach to treatment and education has changed the lives of many of his clients, his students, and their clients. By treating the body as a whole system and finding the root cause of a problem, Paul has been successful where traditional approaches have consistently failed.

Paul is the founder of the C.H.E.K (Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology) Institute, based in California, USA, and the P~P~S Success Mastery Coaching Program. He is a prolific author of books, articles and blog posts. In addition, Paul is a registered Native American Spirit Guide and Medicine Man with the Nemenhah Band (people of the truth) and Native American Traditional Organization (NAC) where he initiates a process of awakening often fulfilling comprehensive healing through sacred ceremony.

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