James Norris is the founder and CEO of Self Spark, a global platform for science-based lifehacking events.

A social entrepreneur and lifehacker, he believes if we first change ourselves, we can better change the world.

James is dedicating to leveraging the best behavioral science research and emerging technology to help individuals and organizations become happier, healthier, and more effective.

He started as an entrepreneur at the age of 6 selling candy during recess. Since then he’s founded or helped establish 22 organizations, including a university for today’s Leonardo da Vinci, a civic innovation hackathon series, a sustainable fish farm, and a museum/theme park hybrid.

James graduated from the University of Texas at Austin as a triple major/quadruple minor.

He believes in living with intention, and has experienced 1,750 “firsts” in life.

Lifehacking 101 W/ Visionary CEO James Norris TWEET THIS  

Listen As James Uncovers:

How To Create Long-Term Behavior Change What Holds Most People Back From Being Their Best Self How To Foster Post Traumatic Growth Tips & Tactics To Take Action Now

Links From Today’s Show

Self Spark FREE GUIDE (Wellness Force Radio Audience) Bulletproof Diet Resource Body By Science Personal Growth Kit Self Spark: Behavior Change
Psychological Tests
Spark Weekend

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