The third and final coaching session between Elaine Hilides, an expert on weight loss and the author of No.1 ranked Amazon Kindle book ‘Mindfulness: The No-Diet Diet Book’ and her client Amy.

Elaine’s approach is a revolutionary step away from the usual world of diets and self-denial and it’s very, very effective – she’s helped hundreds of people to lose weight and go on to live healthier, happier lives, through sharing the three principles. In this episode, Elaine explains:

Although it was clear that Amy had made many positive changes, Amy had not seen them herself. Change sneaks up on us because we quickly take for granted our new habits of thought.
There’s no such thing as failure and sabotage. We’re only ever testing ourselves against our own made-up thoughts.
There’s no end state or conclusion to weight loss, or indeed, anything else in  happiness or life! Every day is a new one and every day we will have fresh thought and will feel differently.