This week’s show is a special one in which Be Mythical Soul Guide Sara J. Sanderson interviewed Lian about all things ‘doing the work’ - inspired by Lian’s recent post on the topic.

Lian and Sara explored the concept of 'doing the work', a term often used in personal development and spirituality circles, often without an understanding of what it really means. They delve into the differences between truly doing the work and other forms of self-improvement, emphasising the importance of consciously choosing the Great Work of individuation and union. Some of the questions explored and answered were:

1. How can we differentiate between 'the work' and other forms of self-improvement or self-care practices?

2. Could you provide examples of how 'the work' relates to individuation, and union?

3. In what ways can we identify whether we're truly engaging in 'the work' versus engaging in activities that may seem similar but ultimately bypass the deeper aspects of ourselves?

4. Can you share more about the role of fear and resistance in undertaking 'the work', and how one can overcome or navigate through these challenges?

5. Could you provide ways those who are feeling called to embark on 'the work' are supported? And if you are a healer, guide or coach how do you ensure you are supporting in the best way?

The conversation highlights the role of fear and resistance in preventing us from doing the work and the challenges of recognising and navigating our projections and co-dependency. They also touch upon the potential pain and challenge of doing the work, as well as the importance of community and support in the process - which is why we created UNIO, The Academy of Sacred Union.

We’d love to know what YOU think about this week’s show. Let’s carry on the conversation… please leave a comment wherever you are listening or in any of our other spaces to engage.

What you’ll learn from this episode:

The Great Work involves consciously looking at the hidden aspects of ourselves and bringing them into the light, whilst seeing and navigating all of the illusions, blockages, fear, and resistance that will show up along the way.

The work can take various forms, such as shadow work, inner child work, or working with teacher plants but no matter the form, it requires a conscious devotion to the Great Work for it to be so.

Recognising and becoming accountable for our projections and codependency is an essential part of doing the work.

Doing the work can be challenging and painful, but is for those is it right for - a choiceless choice and one of the most rewarding ones we can make - having a supportive community and seeking guidance from those who understand the Great Work is crucial in sustaining the journey.

Resources and stuff they spoke about:

The post that inspired this conversation.

Join UNIO, the Academy of Sacred Union. This is for the old souls in this new world… Discover your kin & unite with your soul’s calling to truly live your myth.

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