Neurodivergent perspectives & magic... Could they be two sides of the same coin?

Aidan Wachter, an animist, author, and healer, has been involved in practical magic since the 1980s. He is an animist and is deeply concerned with the effects of modern Western life-ways on the human animal, on both physical and spiritual levels.

In this show, Aidan and Lian explore the intersection of magic and neurodivergencence. They discuss how neurodivergence and magic appear to overlap, including the unique perspectives and experiences that neurodivergent individuals bring to the practice of magic.

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What you’ll learn from this episode:

Neurodivergent individuals often have a different worldview and experience of reality, which can lead them to seek out practices like magic to make sense of the world in a way that aligns more with their perspectives.

Magic is not just a metaphor or psychological process, but a way of engaging with a different reality that neurodivergent individuals may be more attuned to.

The intersection of neurodivergence and magic challenges societal norms and offers alternative ways of understanding and engaging with the world.

Having allies and support is crucial in navigating the world as a neurodivergent person and is something we gain access to once we open to the reality of magic and the profound relationships that lie there.

Resources and stuff spoken about:

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Lian's story about the mole: The Mole Day

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