Sergio Nazzaro, five years ago, had $12,000 in credit card debt and was making $24,000/year. He left that job and took a pay cut to make $0 and begin his entrepreneurial career. In 24 months he made his first $1,000,000 but his relationship with his fiancé (now wife) almost came to an end. Sergio believes you can have it all in this life - elite health and fitness at 39, a deep connection with yourself and your creator, a relationship with your partner that is on fire and children who adore you and look up to you as their role model --all while creating a business to support the life of your dreams and build prosperity. Sergio is on a mission to help entrepreneurs become great in all areas of their lives.

Sergio Nazzaro Vroom Vroom Veer

Born in New Jersey and moved to Houston while pretty young; experienced the North/South culture shock pretty hard

Mom and Dad got the bad end of a real estate deal and took a significant financial hit; moved the family to Colorado and lived there ever since

Used perseverance and tenacity to get into the Air Force academy; graduated and decided not to become a pilot as the lifestyle didn't look that appealing

Got into a little bit of trouble when he "side stepped" himself into a deployment Afghanistan; thought he might have to use his side arm once

Suffered from PTSD and started "self medicating" with alcohol and other unhealthy ways to avoid pain; finally hit rock bottom decided to get professional help

Worked his ass off helping a friend start a cross fit business; great work, but only made $24K in a year

Worked a corporate job for a while and bumped up to about 65k; saw that it was a going nowhere job

Built a real estate business and made a ton of money; that came at the cost of not feeding other areas of his life

Started a coaching program to help entrepreneurs live the life the actually want


Instagram @sergio.nazzaro

Tik Tok - @sergionazzaro

Derek Sivers useful not true

Fire Walk with me Poem