Chrissy Trotter is a travel content creator and travel advisor that helps her audience, and customers take action on their bucket list and overcome challenges to travel. She visited 45 countries, 46 states, and counting. Christina is a big believer in sabbaticals and resetting priorities.

Chrissy Trotter Vroom Vroom Veer Stories

Dad was in the Air Force so she moved around while growing up, started in Andrews Air Force Base; met Anwar Sadat in the Distinguished Visitors lounge as a kid

Graduated High School in San Antonio TX, met her future husband there who was an Army brat; they both loved travel

Went to college at UT Austin before Austin blew up; got a degree in Management Information Systems; figured out before graduating that she didn't like programming

Got a job in Dallas working for IBM and working strategy and change; worked there 15 years before her big veer

Took a year "leave of absence" from work (good idea) and did a world backpacking tour; visited all the countries and cities that were not the top tourist destinations to keep costs down; put all their stuff in a storage unit

Had two kids and worked about 5 more years and decided to quit just before lockdown; boss asked her to come back and gave her a 3 year leave absence; 1 year into that she got let go but with severance!

She has hybrid camper for road travel; found out they prefer glamping to camping when not flying for travel

