Anna Zschuppe works as a stress/burnout coach at Summer SOULstice. She helps overwhelmed Type As and overworked business owners at the end of their rope. She helps them to relieve stress, find connection, and regain balance so they can show up for their work and their loved ones. All while making time for themselves. She helps people identify where stress is popping up in their lives, how it’s being stored within them, and ways to relieve the tension by connecting with their mind, body and spirit. She provides strategies/tactics to proactively minimize burnout so that people can find fulfillment both at home and in the office. Anna utilizes a holistic approach that combines body movement, spiritual healing, and mind management/mindfulness techniques so that she and her clients can work toward solutions and breakthroughs together in both one-on-one and group coaching settings.Anna Zschuppe is the CEO and founder of Summer SOULstice, LLC based out of Dallas, Texas. Anna left her six-figure, Fortune 500 job in corporate America at age 26 to pursue her entrepreneurial dream of stress/burnout coaching and made $15K within her first three months of launching full time. Anna also is a certified career coach rated 4.8 out of 5 stars on LinkedIn and has served college students and executives alike for 5+ years across the globe. She has provided HR strategy and transformation services to clients in the private and public sectors, and she now works closely with Catholic organizations and SMBs in the Dallas-Fort Worth area as a keynote speaker and HR consultant.

Anna Zschuppe Vroom Vroom Veer Stories

Grew up in a small town near Cleveland Ohio; went to private catholic school until 8th grade; went to public High School in a new town and struggled with bullying; lost herself and became introverted

Girls on her soccer team would say mean things to her and she really took those words to heart and couldn't understand where those words and feelings were coming from

She didn't know how to process those feelings; she went hard on doing homework; she would hideout in her room listening to her iPod and crying herself to sleep

In college she was more able to be her old self from K-8; outgoing extraverted and singing in the cafeteria

How we learn shame like why it's not ok to take off our pants in public; but we don't learn all about shame consciously; shame can make us feel like we deserve punishment even when we don't

Finding moderation with "fun" things like alcohol, exercise, work, shopping, eating et al can help you stay healthy while enjoying life; when the moderation takes a break you can get in trouble

Celebrating her one-year full time coach anniversary; trying to work smarter not harder and how to best serve people

What's ok to say to your football team's rival fans and what's not; there is a line for Bear's fans I learned not to cross

For Type A people, sometimes shame comes when we are "not good enough" and we always need to do better and be perfect

Rejection always hurts, as in a break up; we feel like we are not "right" and we need to change to be better--maybe, but probably you need to find someone who loves you "AS IS" warts and all


