Adam Vosding "took a break" from his corporate career to travel around North America with his dog, Holland (@HollandThePup). Five-plus years later he is still traveling around enjoying life like he only ever dreamed about. He's have been showcasing his travels on his social media platforms: @TravelingFoodDude and have found many unique jobs to fund my travels along the way! He also bought a van a couple years ago that has proven to be such a fun way to keep on traveling! Adam took his dog to every NHL arena and we were just featured on the NHL Network during a studio visit a few weeks ago when we were in New Jersey!

Adam Vosding Vroom Vroom Veer Stories

Grew up in London, Ontario Canada between Detroit and Toronto and loved teams from both cities

His parents won a green card lottery and moved the family to Florida while he has a teenager

Given the option of mowing the lawn for no money or getting a job, he decided getting paid was better so he got a job a Publix grocery store

Worked at Publix all through high school and went to college and got corporate job in Publix doing commercial real estate and property management

In a fated job interview, someone asked what was his passion? He didn't know, so he thought about it and came up with travel and it!

Now he travels and finds work on the the road, he is currently working at a dude ranch in Colorado working the summer as a cook

Found out that it's pretty easy to find street parking in New York City in his camper van, then you are only a couple blocks away from that amazing bakery!



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