Michael Andersen is a Gen Exer who defied convention, leaving behind his corporate career and material possessions. With his girlfriend, he embarked on a transformative year-long voyage in an RV, embracing full-time travel and self-discovery. This extraordinary journey resulted in the birth of new ventures and a life filled with less stress and boundless adventure.

Michael Andersen Vroom Vroom Veer Stories

Grew up in the south side of Chicago in a suburb of a suburb of burb; single mom was a hippy and they camped when rent was late

In college, he arranged keg parties and sold cups for 5 dollars; the party last until the cops show up

Was also running a recording studio and a playing bass in a band; a natural for corporate event planner; somewhere along the line also learned how to make WordPress websites

Did a test run long vacation in a converted shuttle bus; then got a job offer in North Carolina

One day got a raise at work and his rent went up the exact dollar amount to eat his raise; started thinking about doing the digital nomad life

Got an RV for about the same budget as a year's rent (the RV was a little less); hit the road and now they live and work from the road

They have traveled to 30ish states so far; one highlight was the Big Tent Show in Quartzsite AZ; learned desert living is certainly adjustment; coyotes so close to a pug is a little scary for sure


That Andersen Guy

Traveling Gatherings

Sweat Dreams are Made with RVs (Facebook & Instagram)