Richard Chapo (“chap-oh”), a lawyer for 24 plus years, is a well-known Internet business lawyer in Southern California. Richard’s philosophy is to proactively position his clients to minimize their potential exposure to lawsuits. He provides advice to clients as large as multinational corporations and as small as hobby bloggers with an eye towards eliminating potential problems areas before lawsuits are filed. Richard is versed in a variety of Internet laws including the DMCA, Communications Decency Act, and Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, as well as FTC compliance guidelines, state privacy mandates, and recurring billing laws.
Richard Chapo Vroom Veer Stories

Worked as a lawyer in starting in 1992, working 70-hour weeks; got burnt out
Spent a year in Siberia drinking beer and vodka working 3 hours a day
Started working in Internet law in the early 2000's when it was the wild west
New privacy laws in Europe are going in effect in May 2018; huge compliance issue
Asia business compliance not so much of an issue for most small businesses
How privacy in the US is mostly a joke; we have an "opt out" culture
Europe is more of an "Opt in" culture vs "Opt out" in the US
Did you know; people can't post baby pics on FB in the EU

Richard Chapo Links
Richard's Website