What is the real cause of Acid Reflux? Internationally recognized Medical Doctor and Naturopath, Dr. Carolyn Dean generously shares her unique perspective on Acid Reflux and other common maladies brought on by Magnesium deficiency.  Author of over 50 books including best seller The Magnesium Miracle, she has recently launched her latest masterpiece entitled Magnesium: The Missing Link to Total Health.  This book is an excellent reference guide to specific health conditions and how they are related to Magnesium deficiency and can be simply mitigated.

You can find Dr. Dean’s incredible Magnesium supplements at www.rnareset.com; to save 10%, use the Promo Code VITALITY10.

Here’s the list of my personal supplements that I promised in the podcast. Because I do not enjoy taking pills, I work hard to get nutrients via real food, including fermented foods. On a daily basis at the time of recording this podcast, I generally take:

ReMag Liquid Magnesium and ReMyte Minerals together in about 24 ounces of water.  (I often add amino acids to this.)Vitamin K2D3 5,000 or two tablespoons of Cod Liver OilColostrum:  One tablespoon (GastroDefense - please listen to Episode 149 “Colostrum For Leaky Gut?”)Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C from LivOn:  one to five packets 

Visit my website DrDebbieOzment.com for valuable free downloads. Additionally, you will find shopping links which I have curated on the website. Please follow me on instagram at drdebbieozment.