Craig Capurso Hosts this episode and breaks down these 6 excuses.

... I don't know-how... I'm Afraid ... I don't have enough time... I don't have enough money -... It's too late for me -... It's too hard -


Are You Interested or Committed to your goals?

Well…What's the difference?

If you're only Interested you will only do what's convenient...

How many times have you allowed an excuse to Stop You from getting something you wanted?

Look I get it… 

Some folks don't grow up with the best circumstances:

Born into a household that lacked Support, Money, Education, Opportunities…

And now when you look back, you attribute the lack of success to a product of what lot you were given…

That's Weak Sauce…. Right There..

That's playing the Victim…

That's that same Crap that is rampant in today's political environment, which I will NOT be getting into

on this podcast today…

It’s easy to beat yourself up when you look back at what you didn’t accomplish!


When you look in the mirror and are disgusted with what is staring back at you.


If you truly look at what got in the way, and you are honest with yourself you will see... That it was always you.

Not your circumstances!


It was your lack of COMMITMENT!


So I am going to work through some common excuses and solutions to those excuses

If at the end of today I moved you to take action and help you to re-commit to whatever has been on your mind.

I want to hear from you.  Leave a comment where ever you are hearing or watching this.

That you are Going to take action based on this wake-up call, or that you already took action.



... I don't know-how

This statement gives you permission to not even try.  This is one of the easiest to overcome.  Hell… you can learn how to build a house on YouTube if you are truly committed.

Try This

Educate your self,take a course,Hire Help,Join a Support Group,Get a coach for accountability


... I'm Afraid -

“Every successful person was too they just choose to persist and build their confidence by venturing 

beyond their doubt" 

Try This:

Ask yourself what is the worst thing that can happen?  List it outList all the good things that can happen?

You will likely see the good outweighs the bad

"Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and FOCUS on what could go right!"


... I don't have enough time -

You make time for what’s truly important to you.

Try This

Create a list of the things you do on a daily basis from the moment you awake until the end of the day.Record your activities in 20-minute blocks. (Include everything)Do this for the week..

You are going to find a lot of waste, but you will also find 2-4 hours that you can take back and dedicate to your goals.

... I don't have enough money -

There's usually a way to work around a lack of financial resources.  Take the step from the last example

Try This

make a list of all the things you spend your money on and look for waste.Look at all the things that don’t serve your goalsLook for recurring subscriptions that you don’t use.You can Increase your skills by Volunteering or Interning which can lead to bigger pay or opportunitiesGet a Second job,Get a Side hustle.

Money is not scarce… the way you think about it is!

... It's too late for me -

Getting a late start might be less convenient and more challenging, but God determines when it's over.  Not your limiting beliefs.  If you still have the physical ability to put forth the effort you owe it to your future self to do so.

Try This

Find out what you wantWhat is your real why isWhat interests you,What influences youWhat motivates you.And then Build a plan,

Take it one step at a time one rep at a time.


... It's too hard -

Claiming that something is “too hard” is really just another way of admitting that you’re afraid.

And Yes,  It’s going to be harder than what you are used to giving as per energy, attention, mental concentration, but I can tell you from experience that the satisfaction of completing something that you poured your heart into and earned is priceless.

Try This

Set your mind on success!Get an accountability partner.Listen to a Podcast orWatch Youtube videos that motivate youAffirm yourself with the reasons WHY you want IT and Why NOW is the time you are going to achieve it.


You want a trick when going after your goals?

Make Them SMART

S - Specific

M - Measurable

A - Attainable

R - Relevant

T - Timely


And Set goals along the path.

Small goals often help provide wins that are critical to boosting your confidence.

Let go of the excuses, and Let go of the reasons why you can't.  

When you do this you will see past your own limiting beliefs.


It’s time you surprise yourself

It’s Time To BECOME!

And Take responsibility