Repost from Sean Irwin-
-Dietary Fats- Types and Health Effects
-Insulin resistance vs sensitivity- dietary approaches
-Keto talk- “Keto flu” and beginner keto metabolic changes
-Refeeds- Why? DO’s and DON’Ts.
-Off season- why mini cuts are needed!
-Insulin talk- We need insulin! What is does- glycolysis vs gluconeogenesis
-Why you want lower/moderate protein in ketosis
-Protein needs for building mass
-Post workout protein- when and how much?
-Why I don’t suggest eating ONE meal a day
-Intermittent Fasting- what it is, windows of fasting, benefits
-Digestion & Gut Health- When NOT to add a probiotic
-Main reasons for poor gut health and digestive distress
-Gut health help!
-Inflammation and chronic disease
-My thoughts on dairy
-My social media “tactics” and following

My Website:
IG: @faithandfit @upliftfitnutrition
Twitter: @laceyadunn
Email: [email protected]


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