You love what you do in your business…who you help, and how you help them, but there’s just one thing you’re still dealing with…putting yourself out there. Sharing about what you do, showing up consistently, building an online presence. You know you need to do these things to have the business you want to have but you’re also feeling a block towards it. It feels scary, hard, or just not appealing at all. If this sounds like you, then you may be battling a fear of visibility. In this episode, I’m going to break down what it means to have a fear of visibility and how you can move through it to show up for your business.

“Just give it a try and see what happens when you move past that fear and do the thing.” - Shawn Mynar

“When something doesn’t feel the way you want it to feel, you have the power to shift that too.” - Shawn Mynar

“You are the CEO of your business, and you’re the CEO of your mind.” - Shawn Mynar

FULL TRANSCRIPT BELOW: (please note, transcripts are auto-generated so you can expect errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling)

Do you love what you do in your business, you know, who you help and how you help them. But there's just one thing, you're still dealing with putting yourself out there, sharing about what you do showing up consistently building an online presence. You know, you need to do these things to have the business you want to have, but you're also feeling a block towards it, it feels scary, hard, or just not really that appealing. If this sounds like you, then you may be battling a fear of visibility. In this episode, I'm going to break down what it means to have a fear of visibility, and how you can move through it to really start showing up for your business. Let's dive in. Hey, hey there, friends, and welcome back to the unstuck entrepreneur podcast. So, so grateful to have yo


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