I think you know by now that being a business owner isn’t all glitz and glam, even if there are people on social media making it appear that way. Business ownership is full of highs and lows, great and not-so-great, celebrations and challenges, successes and struggles. and it’s important to openly talk about it all and normalize the honest truth about being a business owner. That’s exactly what we’re doing in this episode, so let’s dive in.

"Business can be, and is hard, but it doesn’t have to be hard because you have a choice on how hard you make it and it is 100% dependent on your own mind." - Shawn Mynar

"You can’t stay safe in your comfort zone, you can’t not take risks and have a business. It’s one of those things where we have to reach beyond where our minds want to go and that’s hard." - Shawn Mynar

"It is normal for your business to take a while to get it to the level that you want it to be at. It’s not gonna happen overnight, have patience." - Shawn Mynar

"If you are a perfectionist and you want to let go of perfectionism, become an entrepreneur. You will have to let it go to make anything happen." - Shawn Mynar