So, you’ve gotten on board with having an email list in your business, but now you’re wondering how to actually get people to sign up for it because everything you’ve tried so far hasn’t worked. This episode is for you, my friend. We’re talking freebies, welcome sequences, and email newsletters…all with a side of alignment and flow. Get ready to feel excited about your email list instead of being overwhelmed or just totally over it.

"The energy and the vibe that you bring in to everything you create is what will be the guiding force in how popular and how helpful it is with your dream clients." - Shawn Mynar

"Think in terms of your dream client and what they need to feel seen and supported and heard, and how someone gets them, and that is going to create a connection unlike any other that will be so valuable in the future of your business." - Shawn Mynar

"Provide a really great experience for the people on your email list that makes it easier and clearer when they’re ready to take the next step." - Shawn Mynar

"Consistency is such an important part of the trust factor that we're trying to instill in our dream clients so that they do feel comfortable taking the next step with us." - Shawn Mynar





"What's Your Solopreneur Personality Type" QUIZ


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Are you building YOUR flow business? Find out here >>> TAKE THE QUIZ!

Ready for a business with less hustle, more flow? Create your own signature program >>> WATCH THE FREE MASTERCLASS!

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