What kind of mindset podcast would this be if we didn’t talk about resolutions at the start of not only a new year but a new decade?! It is the perfect opportunity to showcase how things aren’t lining up between your conscious mind and your subconscious beliefs!

In this episode, we’re taking a look at the three main reasons why resolutions don’t stick for the vast majority of the population:

They’re unrealistic. They’re not something you actually want. The Ego is deciding on the goal, not the intuition. They’re an attempt at changing you from the outside-in, which does.not.work.ever.

Then, we’ll dive into what I recommend doing instead of making a resolution this year. We'll get to the bottom of what you're really looking for in a resolution and why it hasn’t stuck in the past. Without this deep dive, you will stay stuck on this hamster wheel of trying to get what you want, going about it in the wrong way, and never getting there. You’ll continue to set goals you can’t reach, make resolutions that don’t stick, and never get any closer to your dreams. NOT OK in my book!

Instead of making a resolution again this year, I would love to see you commit to learning more about yourself and your headspace. Make THIS the year you become a different person from the inside-out.

We’ll get started on this work together in this episode!


I’d love to have you join in me in my new 8-week online “mindset for women” course, The Unstuck Project! Enrollment is going on NOW at shawnmynar.com/unstuck.

It’s time for another Empower Intensive LIVE coaching call! This 90-minute interactive video coaching session will take a deep-dive into Redesigning Your Limiting Beliefs (so you can be the person you want to be). Head to shawnmynar.com/empower to reserve your spot!

I want to hear your mindset success story + share it on an upcoming episode! Head to shawnmynar.com/unstuckpodcast to leave an inspiring voice message for the show.

Let’s go to the show!





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