One of the absolute coolest things about having your own service-based business is that you can make money ON DEMAND. Now I know this sounds a little gimmicky, but it’s true! You definitely can if you need or want to make money quickly in your business. And there are so many different ways to make it happen. Today, I will share with you 3 ways you can get a quick cash injection in your business and the steps to make them happen so stay tuned.

"You have to let people know consistently and specifically and repetitively, over and over and over because that is what people need to make a decision." - Shawn Mynar

"You need to start working on building an engaged audience that is interested in the work you’re doing." - Shawn Mynar

"Make a limited time special offer around your client work and then promote the heck out of it. Make it exciting, make it a big deal, treat it like you would a launch." - Shawn Mynar

“Put it in the calendar, make it happen, don’t talk yourself out of it, don’t use the excuse that you don’t know how… Just commit to it and make money in your business.” - Shawn Mynar

Launch List Accelerator -

Signature Program Bundle -


Are you building YOUR flow business? Find out here >>> TAKE THE QUIZ!

Ready for a business with less hustle, more flow? Create your own signature program >>> WATCH THE FREE MASTERCLASS!

Chat with me on Instagram >>> @SHAWNMYNAR

Get the latest scoop >>> SHAWNMYNAR.COM


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