Normally, in self-help communities, everybody would write a book, or they would go to a seminar and they would tell you what to do. They've told you all about the things you should be doing, but they're not giving you the how to do it. In this episode of How to Reprogram your Unconscious Mind, Dr. David Snyder will continue to show us how to improve ourselves, one step at a time.

Standout Quotes:

“Human beings have a negativity bias. One of the first things that happen is you don't pay attention to something until it becomes the most heinous painful element of your life until it takes up more bandwidth than anything else, and you just can't take it anymore.”
“You are not the way you are because of the stuff that happened to you. You're the way you are because of the way you've recorded the things that have happened to you.”
“Sometimes your neurology will not let something be overdone and complete that you can forget about it until you've proven that you've extracted the safety lessons that it's not gonna happen again.”
“Our unconscious mind’s job is to keep you safe. The only way it knows to keep you safe is if you can prove to it that you've learned the lesson that you won't be lost.”

Key Takeaways:

One of the issues we face while trying to work on our own stuff is that one of the unconscious mind's dynamics that you must be aware of does not select between good and bad. What it does is look for things that are familiar.
The voice in your head didn't start there. The voice in your head started in the heart because this is the angle that parents have their children when they speak. So if you come into this world, and you’ve held, you're nurtured, and you're told how much you're loved, after a certain amount of time, those words, those behaviors, those body feelings become associated with a word we come to know as love.
If you have a level 50 problem, you won't be able to solve it with a self-directed level one technique. What you need to do is come up with a level one intervention for the problem at hand.
Visual auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory distinctions are all present in our belief systems.
In order for you to measure something, you must dissociate from it. The act of dissociating from it gives you power over it.
When people talk about their stuff, their hands will always go to the filing cabinet where that problem is stored. They won't be consciously aware of it. But this is a level of vibrational information that you can activate and manipulate.
The more provocative an experience is, the greater the degree of emotional charge. The more emotional charge in your nervous system, the less you can cognitively monitor what you're doing. This is why state control always has to come first.

Episode Timeline:

[11:03] Your unconscious mind has certain default mechanisms

[12:14] Why it is easier to fix your client’s problem than it is to fix your own

[13:19] Problems we have when working on our own stuff

[18:00] The reason when you're born, you're a blank hard drive

[18:15] One of the biggest problems working with the unconscious mind

[19:06] Negativity Bias

[21:15] What bucket listing will allow you to do

[22:21] Two ways you can approach bucket listing

[23:50] Working Thematically

[30:52] 66 days is the new normal to establish a new pattern of behavior

[31:40] Why bucket listing is important to us

[33:27] Actual external experience