In this episode, Dr. David Syder talks with us more about the NLP Power Mastermind Mentoring Program and what you will learn in The Secrets of Personality Transformation: Ultra Mind Control Training for Success. He shares an unannounced bonus at the end of this episode, so stay tuned!

Standout Quotes:

“Everything that human beings do; powerful emotions, feelings of success, connection, here’s the secret. If you can give other people these kinds of feelings and connect them to what you want them to do, they will do anything you ask.”
“The fastest way to change anybody’s decisions or their consciousness is to change what their body is feeling.”
“Everything you get from me, you will always pay twice. The first payment is the easy one. That’s the money because you can always make more. Money gives you access to the information, but it’s the second payment that gives you ownership.”

Key Takeaways:

The nervous system has a negativity bias that makes bad things feel worse than it actually is.
The identity by design system is all about changing the building blocks of the system that you already got. It makes you more of whoyou want to be, instead of the person life conspired to make you.
For every one of us, we have an internal checklist that describes the ideal anything for every context or thing we can conceive of.
Reframing is the ability to change the meaning that people assign to events, situations, and circumstances.
Surround yourself with people who have the same desires, interests, and motivations as you do, who can stand shoulder to shoulder and face to face with people and do the drills and get the skills.
In David’s program, you’re going to be surrounded by people who want the same things you want, who want to learn the same things you want, who are looking for people to practice the same things you want to practice.
If you are a member of the NLP Power Mastermind Mentoring Program, you have access to all the archived training sessions that were recorded since 2010

Episode Timeline:

[0:23] The Negativity Bias

[1:15] Resourcing

[2:35] Changing our internal voice

[3:49] Temporal Editing

[5:10] A Priori Priming

[6:34] Deep Trance Identification

[9:23] David’s Drill

[11:24] What would that do for you?

[12:41] What’s important about that?

[16:13] How to find Our Why

[16:34] The Emotional Motivation Checklist

[23:13] Exclusive Special Bonuses

[26:22] 5 Psychological Characteristics that Lucky People have in common

[28:02] 2 Aspects to Manifesting the Life you want

[31:02] 7 Most Powerful Hypnotic Language Patterns that Exist

[33:54] The Reticular Activating System

[40:26] What you will learn in the Universal Persuasion Protocol

[41:24] David’s best deal on his Programs

[43:22] David’s Call to Action to take his program

[45:09] How to Qualify for Bonuses

[49:13] The NLP Power Mastermind Mentoring Program

[52:28] The Unannounced Bonus

[54:44] The Stealth Instant Conversational Hypnosis Crash Course

[55:17] Anchors in Action and Hypnotic Hot Buttons

[56:26] The Perks of the VIP Ticket

Learn more about David Snyder at:




Learn more about the NLP Power Mastermind Mentoring Program and other courses at:

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