In this episode of How to Reprogram Your Unconscious Mind, Dr. David Snyder will continue to discuss creating a bucket list, whether it's thematic or freeform. Take the method and apply it to your bucket list using the magic frame concept.

Standout Quotes:

“The level of information that you're processing, as far as the neurology is concerned doesn't matter whether it's an emotional thing or physical thing. The vast majority of our physical issues are actually emotionally driven.”
“You're not tricking your nervous system, but you're training it, you're systematically giving yourself the ability to step up your game.”
“If you point to a feeling that reaches out and touches it, traces the outline of it, pushes it away, it's going to decrease the emotional arousal in your system that lets you deal with it.”
“Try to go back to the old way of being. Try to be the old view. And notice what happens instead.”

Key Takeaways:

The magic frame process isn't just for emotions, it will work on physical pains and anything you can point to.
If something's overwhelming you, all you do is point where you feel you don't touch it and push it away. You can deal with it.
Proximity and size are the things we play with the most.

Episode Timeline:

[5:53] The magic frame process

[7:16] How do you know when you're ready for level three to five

[8:04] The beauty of the bucket list

[9:21] What if everything feels like a 10?

[11:31] What happened when you made the picture bigger?

[15:54] General negativity clearing exercise

[23:15] New Program

[29:27] Tapping into the true magic and power of your unconscious mind


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