Face reading, also known as physiognomy and personology, is an old Chinese technique that has become one of the most trusted ways to learn about oneself and fortune-telling. But how might that be used to one's advantage? Join Dr. David Snyder to demonstrate how face reading can be both entertaining and profitable for those who use it.

Standout Quotes:

“When we start to unpack human beings, what we see is an interlocking connection, AI loops of patterns and structure. Everything human beings do follows a pattern everything human beings think and say and behave has a structure to it. And those structures leave clues.” [David]

“When you can look at somebody's space, and know the secret emotions under the surface, it gives you a lot more security when dealing with them. Because you realize that most people are more nervous about stuff than you are. They're very self-absorbed.” [David]

“Try to put a compassionate spin on whatever traits you unpack, because when you start unpacking the facial features of a person's face, they become very sensitive, very vulnerable. Some may just deny stuff right off the bat, but you'll know right away by the look in their eyes, by their pupil dilation, things of that nature.” [David]

Key Takeaways:

The mystery surrounding most people begins to unravel once you understand how to look at the structures and processes that are inherent in humans. And you start to be able to look at individuals and recognize who they are, where they're coming from, even if you don't know the specifics because the broad patterns of their lives are written practically on their faces. And because you can do that, you can build a mental profile of them and extrapolate and forecast how they think or act in specific stimuli or situations.

Humans are holographic information processing systems, or what is known as an open-ended information energy transmission system. Put another way, we continually absorb information and energy from our surroundings, process it, and then release it back into the world.

The Chinese were masters at planning. 1000s of years ago, some emotional frequencies inhibited in the body manifested holographically on the face. And this is a comprehensive healing model. If you know how to do face reading the traditional method, you can begin to unpack the dynamic markings on people's faces, and as they move, you can start to capitalize on them, and they will begin to process out those emotions. You'll notice the face begin to shift as they digest those emotions until they're entirely gone.

Episode Timeline:

[13:45] The Pattern and Structure of Human Habits

[25:26] The Holographic Information Processing System

[29:42] The Skepticism Line

[33:24] The Excessive or Pathological Joy

[34:30] Skepticism

[39:42] Fact-Checking

[49:28] The Lost Love Lines

[54:42] The Golden Pathwork

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