Have you ever wondered if there is a technique to read a person accurately? Did you know there's an ancient approach for gaining someone's trust or favor that you may use as leverage? Join Dr. David Snyder as he reveals the mysteries of Face Reading and how you can profit from it.

Standout Quotes:

“If people have this humor line, when they're being funny, they're really funny. But conversely, if they're in a bad mood, this will take precedence. If they don't have this humor, they could still be funny. But when they're in a bad mood, or something negative happens, they will blow it, they'll tend to blow things way out of proportion.” [David]
“Over nurturing tends to lead to disappointment. And if this goes on long enough, the disappointment becomes bitterness. And bitterness can be seen by these little horizontal or vertical lines just below the lip.” [David]
“When that anger and that resentment is locked in the body too long, it becomes depression and it becomes bitterness.” [David]

Key Takeaways:

If you have these markings and are a spiritual person searching for their meaning, you must reclaim them and discover methods to incorporate them back into your life. And if you do, you'll be healthier, more successful, and younger.
If you notice any diagonal lines laying out along the lip's edge, you're looking at someone who spends a lot of time looking after everyone else's needs but their own. These people are acting out of a sense of obligation since they believe it is their responsibility. They are unaware that they have a choice. They think that the regulations require them to act in this manner. As it turns out, they are. You'll see this a lot in daycare workers or instructors who have to spend a lot of time taking care of many children, and you'll see it a lot in spouses who have to take care of their partner who has a medical issue.
Pathogenesis is the process through which over-nurturing leads to disappointment, disappointment leads to bitterness, and those three factors compound over years and decades until the person sees no way out of that life on an unconscious level. When they realize there is no way out, they devise an escape plan. Chronic sickness is frequently used as an escape strategy.

Episode Timeline:

[03:15] The Humor Line

[05:44] The Diagonal Facial Line

[14:05] Stagnant Emotions

Learn more about Dr. David Snyder and NPL Power at:

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