In this segment, Dr. Snyder is going to discuss more about the Echo Technique and the Emotional Bonding Checklist. He will also share tips on how you can do the techniques effectively to become more attractive and establish authority. Stay tuned because Dr. Snyder is has a lot to teach.

Standout Quotes:

“Every person on the planet is moving through the world, looking for their soul mate. They are looking for the person that completes them. They are looking for the person that matches them perfectly.” 
“I want you to understand everything I taught you today works any place that language is involved. Whether it’s zoom, video, email, etc., these techniques will work.”
“Find the balance between who you are, who you want to be, and the results you produce in the world. If the person you are now is not producing the result that you want, change who you are until you get the result that you want. Find a way to be happy as this new person.

Key Takeaways:

Every person is moving through the world, looking to find their significant half. They are looking for a person that perfectly matches them. When you give it to them, their entire neurology orients on you and does not want to let go. It wants to hold on to that feeling. It wants to hold on to that experience and to the person who embodies that experience.
Everything that Dr. Snyder teaches on the webinar will work on any platform or medium. As long as you do the techniques correctly, they will definitely work. 
Find out who you are and who you want to be. Then figure out if the results you are getting from doing that are producing your desired results. If not, then change yourself until you get to the result that you want. But remember to have happiness along the way. 

Episode Timeline:

[09:10] The Thorndyke Effect

[10:50] Quotes Pattern

[14:39] The Master Echo Sequence

[23:42] Dr’ Snyder’s Demonstration of the Master Echo Sequence

[25:14] Dr. Snyder’s Experience in working with Israelis 

[30:05] Using the Echo Technique to tap into the Emotional Bonding Checklist of a person

[32:18] Points to remember when doing Dr. Snyder’s Echo Techniques

[34:56] Cause and Effect Language combined with Complex Equivalence Language

[42:40] What of Dr. Snyder’s courses should you get first?

[47:08] Dr. Snyder on the Myers-Briggs Personality Test

[52:28] Review of Dr. Snyder’s Courses

[56:04] Secret Orgasm Tips Home Study Course

[57:43] Tips on how to do the Echo Technique Subtly