There ain't no lonelier journey than the one back to yourself when you're brave enough to acknowledge you're living unaligned and need to fight your way back to your truth. Then courageous enough to do something about it.   

And that's what we dive into in this incredible convo with Bree Le Roux, whose had more than one of those, "hell no, there's something coming I need to be brave enough to look at" kind of moments.  

You know it's going to be an epic conversation when 5 mins in your guest proclaims "Faark, it was hard!"  We did a lot of thinking out loud in this episode, and had a few revealing insights right in the middle of it, as well as our fair share of laughs!  

But most of all we hope this episode leaves you knowing that you don't have to show up shiny and bright all the time. 

That you can be brave enough to step into the fires of transformation knowing that doing the work is worth it.  That you're NOT alone, even if we're in a Level 4 Lockdown!  That facing the unimaginable is the gateway to the wisdom of knowing anything is possible. That if you push stuff down for too long you may end up crying on the treadmill or in the middle of a meeting .. (insert horrific, the world is going to end, type of emoji!)

We also play a game of "what if's? and share some questions to ask yourself that are game changers. 

This is a feel good, learn lot's and feel like you've been hanging in our lounge room conversation.  In a good way!  

Bree is an International Coach & Business Entrepreneur.  She's had over 10 years personal psychotherapy experience, has a Bachelor in Counselling is an ICF Certified Coach and so much more, as well as being a kick ass human whose not afraid to bring her whole self to the table to help others.  And for that we thank her.

You can learn more about the work she does at Bree Le Roux Coaching - or check her out on insta @breeleroux

And as always we love hearing from you! Keep connecting with us at or on insta & facebook @unicornsandhandgrenadeslife