The financial hits have been one blow after another, especially for those starting something new. As a church planter, how can you budget for your church during this uncertain season?

0:24 Lee introduces this two-part series on the challenges that church planters face specific to the economic downturn.

2:07 Danny says most of the church planters he talked to weren’t affected as much as they were expecting at the beginning of the pandemic.

3:22 Danny says the most challenging thing about COVID is there is so much unknown.

3:43 You have to figure out what are the absolutes that can’t change, like rent.

4:53 Lee talks about the 2020 end-of-year giving at his church plant.

6:39 In the U.S., when things turn down economically, nonprofit giving goes up.

8:33 Lee says it was tough to try to create a budget for 2021.

10:46 Lee says his church plant’s designated giving to benevolence grew significantly in 2020.

11:42 Lee explains his church plant’s budgeting decisions for 2021.

12:58 Lee’s church had to cut things they were dreaming of doing.

14:15 Lee discusses the most critical drivers in the life of his church that couldn’t be cut.

16:04 Lee talks about an after-school sports program that his church invested in that they had to shut down when COVID hit.

18:08 Lee says you have to watch your financial numbers weekly when things are challenging economically.

19:19 Danny encourages you to keep an eye on things even if you say you’re not a money guy or you don’t like it. Burying your head in the sand doesn’t do any good.