When you’re first starting out as a leader, you may feel like Superman and that you can accomplish anything. But you’ll quickly discover your limits. Learn how this realization can be a gift that allows you to lead in your strengths.

0:33 When Lee started his first church plant, he didn’t feel like he had any limits.

1:09 Lee thinks it’s a great gift when we become more in touch with our limits as a leader.

1:41 Danny talks about a dramatic change that happened to him about five years after planting and the importance of having a coach.

2:16 Danny shares how a 360 evaluation helped him identify his strengths and weaknesses.

4:06 Danny and Lee explain what the 360 experience is.

6:54 It’s hard sometimes to hear things that you don’t perceive about yourself as being the reality, but at the same time, you’ve got to see it as a gift to help you know how to best lead through your strengths.

7:43 Lee says his most impactful "aha" moments have come through life circumstances, like being bedridden for 12 weeks.

7:55 "You realize quickly: I’m not nearly as important as I thought I was. And honestly, that was a great gift."

8:45 "That allowed me to reallocate energy and think through difficult situations completely different. I think it gave me permission to say no more often."

9:04 Danny says leadership limits usually come down to competency issues or relational capacity.

11:21 Lee shares two indicators that you’re pressing up into your area of limits.

13:12 Lee also says to pay attention to your habits, like negative thinking and not sleeping well.

13:55 Danny and Lee talk about the importance of finding friends and colleagues who you can trust to speak into your life.