Mindset Series Part 2

It’s really easy to tell someone what to eat and how to exercise. What’s not easy is the mindset work, reframing negative beliefs, and really getting to the core of why you're not at your goal weight or simply self-sabotaging. So for the next few weeks, Uncomplicating Weight Loss is going to break down the thought work behind losing weight AND keeping it off.


In this episode, Eva simplifies one of the most powerful mindset frameworks you can ever learn: the think-feel-act cycle. A tool she has used to change her mindset around everything in life, from exercise to relationships to business, tune in as Eva guides you to understand your current thinking more deeply and empower you to create new thought patterns supporting your weight loss journey.


- What is the think-feel-act cycle?

- Facts vs Thoughts vs Feelings 

- Only YOU are in control of your emotional life!

- How to start taking control of your thoughts and feelings



“We get to decide how we want to think. And when we take control over our thinking and our feeling, we can do things that we never thought were possible.”

“You might not be ready to think new things. But just seeing that there is a different way to think about something helps you realize that your current thinking is not the only truth out there.”




Ready to lose weight? Apply for Eva's 1:1 Coaching: https://eva.fit/privatecoaching/

Free Weight Loss Resources: https://eva.fit/freeresources

Subscribe to Eva's new Youtube Channel: youtube.com/@itsevarodriguez


Follow Eva on Instagram @itsevarodriguez - instagram.com/itsevarodriguez


Visit Eva's website at eva.fit






Uncomplicating Weight Loss is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com)