Bonus Episode Day 24


Working Together and Respecting Different Needs and Expectations


Solo episode—Patricia Young


After surviving a long 9 days when my kids were home from college with their guests, I talked about how I needed to figure out how to create and maintain balance in Bonus Episode 23 since my boys will be home for a month for winter break.  Jacquelyn Strickland, who has been running the Highly Sensitive Person--HSP Gathering Retreats for many years commented on my post encouraging me to rethink my statement to “It will be important for the group [my family] to come up with ways that allow everyone to enjoy each other’s company while also respecting different needs and expectations.” This got me thinking about how I have made my HSP needs my problem instead of seeing that as a family, we need to figure out something that works for everyone.  We also came up with the idea of setting up my son in the “North Wing” when he comes home (aka garage!).


Patricia Young, LCSW is a therapist in San Diego who is in private practice.  Patricia works primarily with Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) helping them understand their HSPness, and to turn their perceived shortcomings into superpowers.  Patricia is passionate about providing education to help HSPs and non-HSPs understand and truly appreciate all the gifts we have to offer. 



Dr. Elaine Aron—www.hsperson.com


Jacquely Strickland/HSP Gathering Retreat--http://www.lifeworkshelp.com/hspgathering.htm


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click on this link https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unapologetically-sensitive/id1440433481?mt=2 select “view in itunes” chose “open in itunes” choose “ratings and reviews” click to rate the number of starts click “write a review”







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Show hashtag--#unapologeticallysensitive

MUSIC—Gravel Dance by Andy Robinson www.andyrobinson.com