Exploring Neurodivergence in Relationships: Understanding Unique Perspectives

In this conversation, Patricia and Jen discuss their struggles with linear content and their values of focusing on relational topics. They explore the challenges of staying true to their authentic selves while creating content. The conversation also delves into the dynamics of their relationship and the growth they have experienced in building trust and security, and things they sometimes find difficult to discuss.



Jen Perry, MSEd, MA, LPC






Staying true to your authentic self is important when creating content.

Building trust and security in relationships takes time and vulnerability.

The value of a podcast is not solely determined by download numbers.

Interdependence allows for mutual support and growth in relationships.


Understanding the importance of emotional vulnerability. Exploring newfound perspectives and insights. Recognizing and embracing feelings of exposure. Reflecting on personal trauma and its impact on self-awareness. Acknowledging the significance of maintaining authenticity in self-expression. Navigating the balance between showcasing autism identity and personal growth. Exploring the process of redefining podcast branding and content focus. Embracing the journey of self-discovery and acceptance. Recognizing the value of open-hearted communication. Reflecting on personal growth and aspirations for authenticity in content creation. Discussing the impact of external validation on podcast metrics and audience engagement. Emphasizing the importance of sharing valuable content. Reflecting on personal struggles with content creation and self-expression. Recognizing the significance of relational content in podcast episodes. Embracing the challenges and rewards of discussing personal relationships openly. Exploring the impact of neurodivergence on relational dynamics and communication. Navigating shifts in podcast content focus and listener engagement. Reflecting on the journey of self-acceptance and authenticity. Embracing the diversity of perspectives and experiences in relationships.

Chapters (please adjust for the addition of the introduction)


00:00 Introduction and Setting the Stage

02:44 Struggles with Linear Content and Personal Experience

08:04 Shifting Focus to Relational Content

13:26 Building Trust and Security in the Relationship

21:18 Navigating Attachment Insecurities

25:24 Interdependence and Holding Space for Each Other

28:08 Communication and Vulnerability in the Relationship

31:20 Planning Visits and Considering Context

34:08 Conclusion and Gratitude


Patricia was a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for over 17 years, but she is now exclusively providing coaching. She knows what it’s like to feel like an outcast, misfit, and truthteller.  Learning about the trait of being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), then learning she is AuDHD with a PDA profile and RSD, helped Patricia rewrite her history with a deeper understanding, appreciation, and a sense of self-compassion.  She created the podcast Unapologetically Sensitive to help other neurodivergent folks know that they aren’t alone, and that having a brain that is wired differently comes with amazing gifts, and some challenges.  Patricia works online globally working individually with people, and she teaches Online Courses for neurodivergent folks that focus on understanding what it means to be a sensitive neurodivergent. Topics covered include: self-care, self-compassion, boundaries, perfectionism, mindfulness, communication, and creating a lifestyle that honors you



Jen Perry, MSEd, MA, LPC has been a psychotherapist for 20 years. She specializes in helping Highly Sensitive People thrive in love, work, and parenting Highly Sensitive Children. Jen is passionate about using mindfulness and compassion-based approaches to ameliorate human suffering.




Jen’s Links


Email: [email protected]


Jen’s website: https://heartfulnessconsulting.com/


Patricia’s Links


Neurodivergent Online Course-- https://unapologeticallysensitive.com/neurodivergent-online-courses/


Receive the top 10 most downloaded episodes of the podcast-- https://www.subscribepage.com/e6z6e6


Sign up for the Newsletter-- https://www.subscribepage.com/y0l7d4


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Music-- Gravel Dance by Andy Robinson www.andyrobinson.com