The Challenges and Strengths of Sensitive Strivers in the Workplace


Melody Wilding, LMSW


Melody was named one of Business Insider’s “Most Innovative Coaches” for her work on “Sensitive Strivers.” Melody defines Sensitive Striver, and she talks about common challenges sensitive strivers face in the workplace. She talks about imposter syndrome, and ways to work with your inner critic.  Melody gives strategies for speaking up and using your voice as well as tips to better manage stress when working from home.


Melody Wilding, LMSW is the Workplace Success Coach for smart, sensitive high-achievers who are tired of getting in their own way. Named one of Business Insider’s “Most Innovative Coaches” for her groundbreaking work on “Sensitive Strivers”, her clients include CEOs, C-level executives, and managers at top Fortune 500 companies such as Google, HP, Facebook, Netflix, Twitter, IBM, Citibank, JP Morgan, and others. She’s here to help you break free from self-doubt and imposter syndrome so you can use your sensitivity as the superpower that it is. Melody is a licensed social worker with a Masters degree from Columbia University, and a former researcher at Rutgers University. She teaches Human Behavior at Hunter College and is a columnist for magazines such as Forbes, Business Insider, and Quartz. Her first book, TRUST YOURSELF: STOP OVERTHINKING AND CHANNEL YOUR EMOTIONS INTO SUCCESS AT WORK is available for pre-order now.


Patricia is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and Coach.  She knows what it’s like to feel like an outcast, misfit, and truthteller.  Learning about the trait of being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), helped Patricia rewrite her history with a deeper understanding, appreciation, and a sense of self-compassion.  She created the podcast Unapologetically Sensitive to help other HSPs know that they aren’t alone, and that being an HSP has amazing gifts, and some challenges.  Patricia works online globally working individually with people, and she teaches Online Courses for HSPs that focus on understanding what it means to be an HSP, self-care, self-compassion, boundaries, perfectionism, mindfulness, communication, and creating a lifestyle that honors us 


Melody’s links

Website-- https://melodywilding.com/ 

Stop Overthinking--https://amzn.to/2UUoUDZ 

Melody’s Facebook Community-- https://www.facebook.com/groups/thehavencommunity/ 

Patricia’s Links

HSP Online Course--https://unapologeticallysensitive.com/hsp-online-groups/

Unapologetically Sensitive Merchandise-- https://patriciayounglcsw.com/product-category/merchandise/ 

Online HSP Course Materials (no group included) https://patriciayounglcsw.com/product-category/hsp-classes/ 

Podcast Survey-- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe-fAYIyFgVb0VHlDorfm8ZdXClCcYDlv0cSP2RXZSZY16SIQ/viewform

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Music-- Gravel Dance by Andy Robinson www.andyrobinson.com