I used to create things by looking outside and around me.


I used to look at other coaches and mentors and see what they have created success and thought that’s the WAY.


While the truth is the REAL way was inward.


After I launched a program last year when I was pregnant and all I heard was crickets I knew I had to reevaluate.


I had to ask myself...what am I really really confident selling? What am I excited to sell? What do the women I want to work with need right now...

Not when they grow, not when they have more time, more money..what do they need NOW so they can get on track of their desires.


Because women who hire me, already know they are meant for more, they already know their values and that they desire to enjoy life and their loved ones vs sacrificing their health and memories, they know they are on track for five-figure and multiple-five-figure months.


Some of them already got the taste of what five-figure months feels like, some of them already have six-figure business yet they don’t love how much work, sacrifice, burn out and overwhelm it took.


They are ready and already on their way, they just want to be supported, nurtured, and seen on this journey. They want someone to see their blind spots and cheer on them along the way.


For those women I couldn’t do what everyone else’s is doing.

For those women and myself I had to create something new, fun, exciting, to remind them what’s possible for them.


I started to create my new program from place of trust, from inward, from my heart.

And the day I shared it on my free masterclass we already had women who signed up, paid in full and are so eager and excited to change their lives and realities.


I started to create from my WHY and the WHAT is selling out so easily.


If you desire to learn more about what I am creating make sure to stay tuned next week or hop on my stories on IG where I will announce it after the weekend.
It is SOOOOO goood!!!




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Thank you so much for your love and support!!

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