On this episode, we talked about:

Embracing femininity confidently
Who you came here to be?
Offering something unique to the world
Stepping into your highest potential
Becoming more in alignment with who you are
The feminine is inward
Our soul is always calling us forward
What am I holding that doesn't feel good?
Everything is always full and complete
Reclaiming your feminine energy


"Your soul wants for you to evolve into someone that nobody else can be"


"We are infinite beings, and you're never really done until you do you completely"


"What have I been doing that isn't really serving me anymore and my highest good?"



About Eleonore:

Eleonore is a Spiritual Teacher, Energy Healer, International author and founder of the Sacred Roots Mystery School. She helps women live in alignment with their soul and their soul’s purpose


Website / Social Media Handles: @eledeposson



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Thank you so much for your love and support!!

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