On this episode, we talked about:

Meant for something bigger in the world
Everything comes back to the relationship with ourselves
Loving and honoring myself
Aligning with your intuition
Learning how to get quiet
The heart is what guides the mind
We can create whatever we want
We learn through repetition
Strengten your intuition
What actions do I need to take today?
Everyone it's a leader


"We came here to not just feel things for ourselves but we also came here to teach things to others"


"The foundation of everything is coming first to really getting quiet to yourself and focusing on the relationship you have with your heart"


"We get to create anything in this life, we get to have everything: love, happiness, joy, and there is no limit to what we can create"


About Amanda:

Amanda now serves as an international coach and intuitive, working with entrepreneurs, high-level leaders, and celebrities in all areas of their careers. Amanda works with her clients to help reframe what leadership is and can be, to then identify what it takes to be seen as an authority figure in their industry—allowing the universe to roll out the red carpet while stepping into their most opulent selves to change the world. Amanda has since developed her own Spiritual Coaching Certification, Illuminated, where she now serves both women and men in over twelve countries.


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