Having a birthday can make you reflect a lot…


And as my 38 birthday is this week I have been reflecting on my life and career.


I have realized that whether we like it or not we are inspiring others by what we are doing, who we are being and what we are creating.


It can be seemingly unimportant or something you see as normal, yet those around you are inspired and it’s shifting their lives.


You have the choice each day and each moment to choose who are you aspiring to be, and who are you becoming.


That conscious choice empowers you and gives you clarity and confidence in today's choices.


We don’t need to have it all planned out nor figure it out (like we ever will haha 🤪) yet we get to choose from moment to moment who we are aspiring to be.


And as I’m typing this caption overlooking the ocean from our balcony in Puerto Rico resort I keep aspiring to be nurturing, loving, impactful and abundant.


Because that is what I desire to inspire other women to BE.


Who are you aspiring to be today?