In this episode:

Awareness of knowing that we are light
Opening our energetic field
Everything has energy
Understanding how sound therapy works
The frequency resonates with your chakra
The frequency starts in your aura
Any experience will be unique and different
Intention and allowing
Set your intention and you will be guided where you need to go
Having trust and faith that you are the light


Connecting within to your physical body in the awareness around you and let yourself relax into knowing the aspect of soul or spirit that is there in the physical body



It's really about connecting with the sound frequencies and as you do that, you start to connect with your heart



It's a process of clearing out energy that shouldn't belong there because it's not resonating and using sound therapy can help you with that


About Amy:

After a life-changing awakening and journey in raising her vibration and awareness, Amy came to recall gifts and abilities that she uses to support and assist others. Services offered can be found here


Amy has been called a "healer's healer" due to her experience and level of commitment in educating, facilitating sessions, and assisting others as a mentor during their healing and awakening process.  She assists clients worldwide through energy healing, energetic assessments, and readings using the gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and claircognizance. In sessions, she works closely with higher dimensional beings, including the client's higher self, the angel realm, spirit guides, and star councils. Amy is a channel for The Council of Light and specializes in mentoring the awakening Starseed and connects in with clients' star councils for information that supports their life missions. 

Connect with Amy

Amy can be found on Instagram at the following accounts and offers frequent Instagram Live video chats with her community. 


You may also enjoy her Instagram TV (mobile app only) with prerecorded meditations, conversations, Q&A's and readings with viewers.








Amy Sikarskie


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