If you really really know me...you would know...


Have you ever played this game? 


I love using it, playing it in my live events or retreats. So often we are hiding behind who we think we should be instead of embracing who we truly are. Who we came here to be and seeing all that we have experienced as a miracle vs judging it.


When I started this podcast over 4 years ago now (WOW time flies!!) I recorded episode 000 where I share who I am and why I am creating this show. 


Four years later I felt called to (and also got asked about my life story to share) create another episode to share my heart and my journey.. So here I am…


Here I am looking back at the times when I felt unworthy and unlovable through the stories I have built about not being a planned baby…


Here I am seeing how that made me treat my body and self with disrespect and pain. 


Here I am acknowledging all the times I lost myself in toxic relationships as I was so hungry to be loved. 


Here I am connecting all the dots and truly trusting I am not alone controlling my life and making things happen but knowing I am divinely guided and always protected. 


Life is a funny thing.

You come here to experience it all through your senses and feelings and then we we attempting to make it harder than it  needs to be. 


The more, the longer I live the more I surrender. 


To love, to life, to business, to my body, to the guidance that knows more than me. 


What really soothes my soul that I have no regrets. 


I did some crazy, silly things on my journey, I hurt people, and I hurt myself the most. 


Yet all of that made me the person I am today. 


The nurturing, compassionate, strong leader that I am, the loyal friend, amazing wife and mother of many clients and people who desire that extra love and nurturing and guidance. 


You can’t change your past. 


You can’t control your life. 


Yet what you CAN is to surrender and trust and get to know yourself better, deeper and live from your soul. 


If you could right now hold your younger self in your arms, what would you tell her? 


Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I  LOVE hugs! It would mean a world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this show 🤗

Thank you so much for your love and support!!

Link to review is below:
