Do you ever feel like there are deeper layers to your healing?

I bet I am not the only one who feels that there is more to uncover, more to heal, more to release in order to create even more impact and abundance. 

I have been on this journey of healing for a lifetime and I know that this journey of unlearning and unbecoming will take this whole lifetime and maybe even a few more. 

Yet I felt that I get to ask for even more help than just mentors, coaches, hypnosis, human design and astrology reading…

Those modalities gave me clarity and breathed life into me, yet I needed to go deeper. 

Not only for myself, but for the babies we are planning to have with my husband, and for those of our ancestors who didn’t know how to heal themselves. 

When I was driving from California with my husband last year on one of our many trips, I had a feeling of despair, of deep deep sadness and the way how I felt it in my body showed me that this pain isn’t mine. That this pain is from my ancestors and that’s why I listened to the call of doing Ayahuasca ceremony. 

For me, it felt like reconnecting to my truth, to mother Earth and reconnecting to nature. 

Last week we attended our third plant medicine ceremony and this time we have chosen the mushroom, or Los Ninos, as they call them here in Mexico. 

My intention was to reconnect to myself, my heart, my creativity, my trust, my higher self. 

I had the deep feeling of serving even more women yet I knew that just by changing my offers and how I coach isn’t going to be the answer to it all. 

Again, my love, we get to learn to listen to our intuition, to trust our authority (human design changed my life and in case you want to also align with your purpose you can schedule a 1:1 reading with me: 

Plant medicine is a beautiful way to go even deeper, yet only because others are doing it you don’t have to. 

See if you are hearing the call, and if not, start with reconnecting to how your intuition is talking to you and discover / or go deeper into Human Design. 


I love you, I see you, I receive you.