On this episode, we talked about:

Using words as pleasure and bliss
Carrying trauma and shame 
Having an energetic space
Purifying your mind and body
We all have different needs
Becoming one with the universe
Breathing in and out consciously
Being in the present moment
Every breath is a blessing
Touching your body is sacred


"If you want to have a good relationship, you have to work on yourself first and next in the relationship"


"There is so much desire and need for the connection rather than the punishment when you are really connected with your partner"


"The one thing that people can do to calm down  is being more aware of your breath"


About Mariliis:

Mariliis is an intuitive channel dedicated to bringing more light to Earth by empowering and connecting us to our own unique inner essence.

She lives in Bali with her beloved and works mostly online. She offers energy clearings, esoteric astrology readings and awakening integration support.

Ig: @astrologyofwellbeing

Website: www.astrologyofwellbeing.com