On this episode, we talked about:

Release and leave pain
Each body and person is different
Making a commitment to yourself first
You need to master the basics in your life
Stopping the comparison
Being fully present in what happens around us


"Nobody should be in agony walking to the grocery store, but unfortunately, it happens, and I'm here to be the light"


"We have so many different ideas of what health means that we don't understand that there are different bodies and cultures"


"Everyone is trying to fit into what everyone's sees, to the common shape, and there's where failure comes in when you start the comparison"


About Noah:

Noah is a fitness and health coach. Specializing in human biomechanics, dynamic and pain-free movement, breathwork, relaxation, recovery and other aspects to optimize the human body. Having dealt with chronic pain and injury, Noah’s mission became finding alternatives and functional solutions for recovery.  

Noah’s system for pain-free movement and breath awareness is designed to help practitioners move on from pain and develop new patterns.

These are patterns that translate into everyday life making for a pain-free lifestyle. Being able to do the things you love with the people you love is important to me.


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Thank you so much for your love and support!!

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