Next Episode: How to be magnetic

On this episode, we talked about:

How life and manifesting works
You can always ask the question: what can I be taught?
Definition of flow-dreaming
What flow-state is
Daydream: been in two places at the same time
The way I talk is through the language of emotion

"Guided mediation is easier because someone is telling us what to do and what to see"


"Flowstate can take you to any place, I just decided to take it to a conscious or quantum connection"


"Once you start flow-dreaming, you start to heal, manifest and create a lot of things in your life"



About Summer: 

Summer McStravick is a personal growth coach, author, podcaster, and creator of Flowdreaming, an energy technique for manifesting, healing, and growing inner emotional strength.

Her books and podcasts have been used worldwide to transform people’s inner emotional landscapes as well as their external lives. Her latest book is called, Stuff Nobody Taught You: 40 Lessons from ME School to Help You Stop Being Miserable and Start Feeling Amazing. Summer’s been teaching for 18 years. Previously, she worked for Louise L. Hay for a decade and created Find her at or through her podcast, Flowdreaming.



Instagram: @summer_mcstravick 



Flowdreamng App:



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Thank you so much for your love and support!!


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