Do you think scarcity is only about money?

Think again.

I hear from women who want to start their business or grow their business to say, I wish I would have more time.

One thing that pregnancy and having a daughter showed me is that it’s about priorities not about more time.

You will always make time for what really matters to you.

So the challenge is not to have more time.

The opportunity is to get crystal clear on what matters to you the most, and what will move the needle closer to where are you desiring to be?

Whether it’s higher income, serving more clients, more freedom, or more time with your loved ones.

Scarcity of time is a lie.

Today I’m inviting you to choose three priorities for your long-term goals, three priorities for short-term goals and three priorities for today.

And you will see how much more aligned, abundant and free you will feel.

What do you wish to have more of these days?