Would you like to be more magnetic?

Being magnetic, magnetism... we hear these and similar things so often lately.


What does that even mean?

In my heart I see it not as something we learn, we acquire, it’s something we are and we just get to remember it.


I always tell my clients, it’s like cleaning up your front yard so you can see clearly where you are going.


It’s shedding those old layers of doubt, limiting beliefs and stepping into your own truth, being unapologetically YOU so you can BE who you came here to be.


And I know it sometimes isn’t easy...to see your own blind spots, to go even deeper into your own healing, because it feels like you have already been there and clear that..and now there is more..


That’s why I believe we get to surround ourselves with those who can see us and our blind spots, who can bring new vision and perspective so we can get back into the flow, to feel energized, clear and alive.


For that I have created one day mastermind. Magnetic you Mastermind.


Where we meet on a live zoom call (there will be a replay if you can’t be live) to mastermind and also get hot seat coaching from me, FB group for community and support, so you can have clarity on where your blocks might be, how to create even more ease, flow and abundance.


The investment is only $388 and because you are listening to it here please take $55 off as a gift from me to you and mee me on 12.12.23 😊

To join just DM me on Instagram - @petiakolibova or email me “magnetic mastermind” and we will send you all the detail.